back-to-school readiness: starting the school year on a positive note

As summer winds down and the new school year approaches, it’s important to prepare for a fresh start. This transition can be both exciting and challenging, making it crucial to set the right tone from day one. At the Council for Drug Free Youth (CDFY), we are dedicated to supporting families in fostering healthy, positive, and substance-free lifestyles. Here are some tips for parents and students to ensure a successful start to the school year.


open communication

set clear expectations

create a routine

Establish open lines of communication with your children. Talk to them about their expectations, fears, and goals for the new school year. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings with you regularly.

Discuss the importance of staying drug-free and set clear expectations regarding substance use. Make sure your children understand the consequences of using drugs and alcohol.

Help your children adjust to the school schedule by establishing a routine. Consistent sleep, meal, and study times can provide stability and reduce stress.

stay involved

encourage healthy relationships

be a role model

Take an active interest in your children’s academic and extracurricular activities. Attend school events, meet their teachers, and stay informed about their progress.

Encourage your children to build friendships with peers who share similar values and interests. Positive peer influence can play a significant role in their decision-making.

Model healthy behaviors and attitudes. Your children are more likely to adopt positive habits if they see you leading by example.


set goals

stay organized

get involved

Start the school year by setting academic and personal goals. Having clear objectives can help you stay focused and motivated.

Keep track of assignments, tests, and activities with a planner or digital calendar. Staying organized can reduce stress and improve your academic performance.

Join clubs, sports teams, or other extracurricular activities that interest you. Being involved in positive activities can help you make new friends and build a sense of belonging.

prioritize self-care

seek support

stay informed

Make time for self-care by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and engaging in physical activity. Taking care of your body and mind is essential for overall well-being.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or facing challenges, don’t hesitate to seek support from parents, teachers, or counselors. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Educate yourself about the risks of substance use and the benefits of staying drug-free. Knowledge is a powerful tool in making healthy choices.

Starting the school year on a positive and substance-free note is a collective effort that involves both parents and students. By fostering open communication, setting clear expectations, and encouraging healthy habits, we can create a supportive environment where our youth can thrive. At CDFY, we are here to provide resources and support to help you every step of the way. Let’s make this school year the best one yet!

For more information and resources, visit our website at Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our youth and our community.

Our annual Ice Cream Social was a huge success, bringing together families and community members to celebrate the achievements of our peer-to-peer program kids. The event provided a platform for the children to showcase their talents and demonstrate what they learned during camp.

Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered, and contributed to making this event memorable!

Our summer camp for peer-to-peer performers was a blast, filled with laughter, creativity, and unforgettable moments as kids showcased their talents and made new friends! They are ready to spread the substance-free lifestyle this school year!

We attended the 23rd Annual CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute in July!

We participated in in-depth interactive training sessions designed specifically for community coalition leaders and staff. During this training, we had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other community coalitions and substance use prevention professionals.

We are excited to bring this valuable knowledge back to our community and put it into action!


Sign-up to volunteer at one of the Central Bank tailgates this fall!

You’ll be passing out CDFY bracelets that carry a powerful prevention message while promoting a drug-free lifestyle! Each volunteer receives a free t-shirt, admission into the game, as well as some awesome tailgate food!

parent corner

As a Parent:

Have you ever encountered a situation where you weren’t sure what to do?

Have you ever wished you had more knowledge about current drug trends to better educate your child?

Have you ever felt uncertain about how to guide your child through challenging issues?



Our friends at Operation Parent have excellent resources to help you learn that information!

They offer books and webinars!

Check them out here:



can you contribute just $18?

Join the Movement to Empower Our Youth!

CDFY is a passionate coalition dedicated to inspiring, educating, and empowering youth for substance-free minds and thriving mental health.

But we need your help!

Our programs are at risk, and we’re facing a funding crisis. To keep our mission alive and ensure a brighter, healthier future for our youth, we’re launching an urgent call-to-action.

Can you contribute $18?

Whether it’s a one-time gift or a monthly commitment, your donation will make a huge impact. Remember, every dollar spent on prevention saves $18 in treatment costs! Let’s come together and invest in our future leaders.
Donate today and be a part of something extraordinary!